Each manufacturer has their own device specific service requirements and user checks. The backbone of an AED maintenance program is knowing and understanding your specific device needs and maintaining compliance with regulatory laws and codes. Our team is trained to follow all manufacturer recommended checks and inspections, and keep you compliant with local laws.
It begins with an inventory of your equipment and current expiration dates. We perform an electrical output test, using device specifc calibrated test equipment. This ensures your device is delivering the correct energy output. We also will perform a Cardiac rhythm simulation. This tests your device’s ability to detect abnormal heart rythms and determine the appropriate cardiac rhythms that require a life-saving shock. We maintain service records and provide you with documentation of services provided.
An AED maintenance program will help ensure you are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. This also helps protect you from civil liability. According to an FDA study “Pads, cables, and batteries accounted for nearly half of AED failures-”. Good Samaritan protections apply to individuals or businesses that allow an anticipated user to use an AED and to rescuers using the AED, provided the AED is properly registered and maintained, and an ambulance is called as soon as practicable after the use of an AED. As an AED owner it is your resposibilty to make sure your AED is working when you need it.
You can call or email us and we will help. We can order pads and batteries, for your device and can schedule a time to come onsite to your location where we will properly install them and make sure your device is meeting specifications. We will also perform a service check to ensure your AED is working properly.